Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Are you a first time player or parent to Ringette? We understand you may have a lot of questions so we have created a list of frequently asked questions that will hopefully help you understand the sport, expectations, practices, games and how the Shediac/Cap-Pele Ringette Association works.

My daughter is not a very good skater, should I enroll her in another program before Ringette?

The bottom line to all players developing their skating skills is - ice time. Ringette is a great sport for those learning how to skate as skating at the younger age groups are designed to develop skating skills. You should absolutely consider Ringette as a means to help improve your daughter’s skating skills. Choosing other programs is also encouraged but not always necessary before starting Ringette.

What equipment will I need to buy?

The only gear difference between hockey and Ringette is the stick and the helmet cage. A proper ringette stick will have a plastic stub which is designed to help lift the ring in the air. A proper helmet mask will be designed especially for ringette so that a stick could not enter through the holes and cause injury.

I need equipment, do you provide equipment and where can I buy some?

The Association does not provide equipment to players other than some goalie gear as needed.

What type of time commitment can I expect?

In the U8 divisions, you can expect to see ice-time at least once or twice a week. Other times could be scheduled based on availability throughout the year. As the kids move up in age divisions they could expect to see more games, more ice-time, practices on and off-ice.

We, as parents, cannot skate and/or have not played ringette. Can we still be involved?

Yes! The Shediac/Cap-Pele Ringette Association is always looking for coaches and team managers, as well as volunteers for executive positions/committees and for our tournament organizing committee.

I am new to Ringette and my daughter has a friend she would like to be on the same team - is this possible?

For first time players to the sport we do our best to make sure your daughter will play with a friend of choice. Ringette is a social sport and we do our best to make sure all the girls joining have an enjoyable stress-free introduction to Ringette. As the kids move up in age divisions they could expect to be playing in different team than their friends.

What is Come Try Ringette?

In September right before the season starts we try our best to have a FREE Come Try Ringette session when your child can come and participate in an hour long introductory session of skating and ringette drills. It is an event designed to be fun but also informative to see whether or not Ringette would be a right fit for you.

My daughter would like to become a goalie or give it a try. Is there any compensations in place or equipment available?

Yes! If your child is interested to play as a Goaltender in Ringette then we have some great incentives in place.

At the U10 level and up, for any girl who plays goal for at least 100% of the year will have 50% of their registration fees, less the cost of insurance, returned. The Shediac/Cap-Pele Ringette Association also has goalie gear available to use throughout the year.

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